Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I Want, I Want, I Want!!!

Ah, Christmas!  That season when you hear the sounds of "I want", more than any other time of the year. Young and old alike can be seen and heard coveting any number of things they feel are certain "must haves" on that special day. Sadly, it seems Christmas has become more about commercialism, rather than it's intended purpose of celebrating the birth of Christ.

The trend seems to get more out of hand every year that passes.  At some point, I guess, the old adage, "if you can't beat them, join them", comes into play.  With that said, through this post I'm officially "joining" the masses and announcing to one and all what *I* want this Christmas.

There's actually A LOT I want; so much that this post would take the rest of the year to write.  I know that sounds selfish, but if I'm going to be honest, then that's the truth.

For the sake of getting this post written however, I've decided to focus on the three things I want the most this year.  I'm thinking, if I get what I want, then the rest of my wish list will be filled as well.

This Christmas I want:

 Gold.  Any gold is fine, white gold, black gold, yellow gold, all of the above. In fact, the more gold, and the more varied kinds, the better.  My ultimate gold want though is this:

  I want at least two things that are rarities.  I'm hoping these rarities are something I can share with others, who in turn can share them with more people; then maybe they'll become more common.  In this case, common is better than rare.  My two ultimate rarity wants are:

  I want the magic of this season to last year 'round.  Every second, minute, hour, day, week and month of  every year.  This is my third want, only because if I get #2 on my list, I'm pretty sure this third want will also  come to fruition.  This is the magic I want:

And there you have it, my "I want", "must haves" for Christmas 2013.  Even if I only get one of these precious items, I'll feel like the luckiest person ever!

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