Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Playing "Tag" & "Connect the Dots" @ the Same Time

The title of this post may, understandably, confuse you.  Read on though, and hopefully you'll see where this writing leads, and how you can play "tag" and "connect the dots" all at the same time.

As kids, we've all played "Tag" at least once.  The game where one person is "It", and chases the other players around.  If the designated person "tags", (touches), a player, that person is out for the rest of that round.  Or in another version, the tagged person is the new "It", and play continues.

Either way, as stated, it's a game that kids everywhere play at one time or another.

As we age, we begin noticing other types of tag, like price tags.  This theory leads us to "Dot 2" of our connect the dot game.

We become aware of  material things we want, and need, and what it costs to have these things.  Price tags, of course, are a way of telling prices, and if we can afford the item or not.

No matter the size, shape, or color, if there's something that shows the price of an object, it's a price tag.

One of the items that usually comes with a price tag is paint.

There are 101 uses, at least, for paint, and probably as many, or more, types, colors and prices of that paint. The type of paint most associated with "tag" however,  is probably spray paint.  If you're still following along, we've reached "Dot 3".

What used to be called "graffiti", is now referred to as "tagging".  It's still basically the same graffiti that's been around for eons, though over the years there have been cases where the paintings have become quite elaborate.  With this change came the name change of the art to "tagging."

Like graffiti, tagging is usually done on the sides of buildings, railroad cars, overpasses, and wherever the tagger is able to get to, to create their unique art.  Some of these designs can be very elaborate and beautiful; it's just too bad it's usually done in places it's not supposed to be.  That's a subject for another time though; on to "Dot 4".

"Dot 4" is the sole reason I've written this post.

In social media, blogs, etc., "tagging" means to label something with key words.  These words will help others find your musings when searching for things on the internet.  For example, if something has been tagged with the word "hippopotamus", and someone does a search using that word, anything tagged with the word "hippopotamus" should come up in the person's search.  At least that's how *I* understand it to be!
When having a blog it’s good to tag each post as soon as it’s written. Tagging should not be put off  for say, 4 1/2 years, or 293 posts into blogging.  I learned this lesson first hand a couple weeks ago, when it dawned on me that I hadn't ever tagged anything I'd written.

This discovery has lead me to going back through all 293 posts, and tagging each one, (no matter how big or small the post), with as many keywords as possible.  

Along this new journey, I’ve learned how much I’ve written about the weather and that I sometimes repeat things in a different way.  I’ve also refreshed my memory on some of the posts I’d forgotten about.

The bright side?  I guess that would be there aren’t more posts to go back through; STILL working on back tagging!  Also good:  I’ve been tagging the most recent posts as soon as they’re written. 

Sometimes even things that can be embarrassing, one needs to share with others, because even though it’s a stupid thing, it is kind of funny.  

Still not sure how "tag" and "connect the dots", can be done at the same time?  Me either; but the thought sounded good in my head, so I wrote this post. The game, "tag", is what I thought of  in addition to tagging; things just kind of spiraled from that to "connect the dots", and so on. As I explain it, it's just how my brain malfunctions. ((SMILE))

 Rather than just delete this post, I decided to share it with readers anyway.  Maybe someone out there will help figure the connection out!

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