Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Anyone who lives in Oregon or Washington knows there’s been plenty of talk and planning for a new bridge.  Monday, April 25, 2011, those in charge of the project revealed what the new bridge will look like.
Sighting economic reasons, as well as others, it’s been decided the new bridge will be the same type as the Glenn Jackson Bridge; a low, flat, concrete structure.
On “Simon in the Morning” the next day, Jolynn Winter had the “blues” about the decision.  (For those who haven’t heard her, Jolynn takes current topics and sings bluesy parodies about them.)  Jolynn lamented about the bridge being boring to look at; that a bridge should be something beautiful to see.
 Jolynn’s song put an idea into my head about how to make the bridge beautiful, help the environment, turn negatives into positives and overall create a win-win situation.
Anyone in Oregon and Washington needing to get rid of old paint could take it to designated drop-off areas.  In return for the paint, people would get a tax write-off for their donation.  Since there’s talk of the bridge charging a toll, to help with expenses, each person would also receive a voucher good for a certain amount of toll free passes over the bridge.  The more paint donated, the larger the voucher.
The paint would be used to paint the new bridge.  Those doing the painting would be people sentenced to community service; especially anyone who’s been arrested for tagging and graffiti.  This would allow the person to fulfill their community service, while expressing themselves creatively and legally.  There would be some limits of course.  The artistry would have to be something that would be appealing to the masses. 
To be honest, all of this was off the top of my head, so if it was to happen, it would have to be worked out more.  Then again, that could take another few years.  So for now, that’s all there is…Just a random thought I had and decided to share.  J

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