Thursday, November 29, 2012

That Wonderful, Glorious Time of Year

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

Thanksgiving 2012 is past, and we've moved on to my absolute favorite time of year:  Christmas time!

For me, Christmas isn't about presents and getting stuff; it's about the *feeling* of Christmas. It's the sights, the sounds, the smells, and all the warm fuzzies the holiday is supposed to encompass.

It's the Christmas trees, the lights, the decorations; everything that helps make this time of year seem magical.

Whether it's tradional things, or a more modern approach to something, this time of season embraces, and shares it all.

Like Christmas carols/songs.  Radio stations play all genres of music at this time of year, from big band, to new Christmas tunes; from classics, to new twists on classics.  Until I heard them, I never knew how many versions of "Last Christmas" there are out there!

I myself lean more towards nontraditional Christmas music, my all-time favorite tune being Elton John's "Step Into Christmas".
Yes, I did use this same video when I wrote about Christmas last year; that's how much I love this song!

Phil Vassar just came out with a new Christmas tune this season, "Santa's Gone Hollywood".  While I realize that some people may not see this as a true "Christmas" song, it is a fun, and funny little ditty that adds a new meaning to "holiday spirit".

I love the whole Christmas spirit thing!

Okay, not so much the one of the future.  Even the one in the Mr. Magoo version of "A Christmas Carol" kind of creeps me out.

Aside from that though, as I said, I love this time of year!

There will always be those who are Scrooges, or Grinches about the season; some for legitimate reasons, and others just because that's how they are.   Nonetheless, Christmas time is a wonderful time of year; so forget the commercialism, and consumerism, and just soak up all the good cheer the season has to offer.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

That's a Rap

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

Nowadays a lot of people are saying country music is no longer country; that it's more pop, more generic.  I understand that; there are quite a few songs that do sound more pop than what's considered country.  However, even what's considered "traditional" country,  (Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, etc.), isn't what "true" country started out as.  If it comes right down to it, even country isn't the root of music; classical, and other music was being made long before it went country.

It seems logical then that, like other genres of music, country is going to evolve, and incorporate other sounds and styles into itself; yes, even rap.

The first time I ever heard "country rap", was when Neal McCoy did "Hillbilly Rap", the Beverly Hillbillies theme done rap style.  Though the song is on one of McCoy's CD's, it was never a single on radio.

 Then there's Cowboy Troy, a member of  Big & Rich's Muzik Mafia; he calls his style 'hick-hop'.  He's released some of his music to country radio, most notably, "I Play Chicken with the Train".

Last year Jason Aldean had a hit with "Dirt Road Anthem", a song co-written by Colt Ford.  The song is mostly country, with a few lines done as rap.

Though known mainly as a songwriter, Colt Ford has put out several CD's that incorporate his southern views and values with rap.  Currently he has a single on the radio called "Back", which features Jake Owen.

"Back" is one of my favorite new songs right now; it's almost a perfect mix of country with rap.  Though Jake Owen is the better known name, Ford definitely can hold his own; and the two of them together do a great job.  Here's hoping Ford has a hit for himself with this song.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

A Quick Post

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

Well, it's finally here for 2012, the day Americans get together to give thanks for all they have.  At least that's what the holiday is supposed to be for.

Nowadays, it seems, it's more about gorging ourselves on turkey, stuffing, potatoes, pie, and anything else edible.  Then there's the parades, and football games, with more food involved.

Once we're as stuffed as the turkey, it's nap time; especially for those with big plans early the next day.  Well, it used to be the next day; anymore, there's no time for napping, because some stores are opening that very evening.  And by golly, that's important!  When else can you get absolutely everything you do and don't need on sale at wonderful prices?  So wonderful that some give up the food, parades and football, just to stand in line, (anywhere from a few hours to a day or so), for a chance to get their coveted item(s).

Truthfully though, all of what's been described is fun, for most people. So, on this day, please do have a great time with friends and family; just remember to be thankful for all of it as well.

With that said, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Getting to Know Him

Once again a new song on KUPL's overnights has caught my attention.  The cool thing about this song is, until the artist started his country career, I'd never heard of him.  Now, I can hear a song and at least have a guess as to who it is. I'm talking about Stain'd lead singer, Aaron Lewis.

Lewis' first single, "Country Boy", was one of the most country sounding songs I'd heard in awhile.  His second, "Endless Summer", had me stumped as to who was singing, it sounded so different from Lewis' first hit.  Unfortunately, "Endless Summer" never made it outside the overnight shift on radio.

Now, Lewis has a third single on country radio, "Forever".  As I said, I'd heard it the first time on KUPL's overnights, and kind of thought I knew who sang it.  Lewis really has a versatile voice, and "Forever" combines the rough sound of "Country Boy" and the smooth flowing feel of "Endless Summer" beautifully.
I'm really hoping that "Forever" takes off for Aaron Lewis, like his first single; his voice and music are definitely worthy of being played on country airwaves.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Life is Suite

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

The Rose Garden Arena in Portland, Oregon, is host to many events throughout the year.  Concerts; ice shows; hockey games, and much more.  It's also the home court of the NBA Portland Trailblazers.

I like basketball, for the most part, though I rarely watch it.  Most of the time I watch if Portland is in the playoffs, or if I have a chance to go to a game.  That was the case the evening of Friday, November 16, 2012.  A friend and co-worker had an extra ticket for the game in our company's suite, so he asked if I wanted to go.

It had been awhile since I'd been to a game; the proof being that I no longer knew any of the players' names, except LaMarcus Aldridge. There was no more Rudy Fernandez, Joe Prizbilla, or any other names I recognized.

No worries, I figured I didn't really *have* to know the players' names to enjoy the game; and I didn't, though I do know one or two more names now.
(The view from one of the suites in the Rose Garden Arena.)
Before the game started, I asked my friend if he thought the Blazers had a chance of making it to the playoffs this year; he said no, they're too young of a team.  Once the game got started, I had to agree with him.  Our team was having a hard time making shots and scoring points.  When they did, the other team, (the Houston Rockets), would score almost immediately after that.  I was thinking it was going to be a bit of a letdown of a game.

By the second half though, things had picked up, the Rockets were still doing better at making their shots, but the Blazers were at least making more of theirs.  At one point in the first half our team was down by more than ten points.  In the second half, not only did we make up the deficit, a few times we actually were ahead of the other team.  When it came right down to the wire, the game actually went in to overtime.  Long story short, the Blazers came out the winners!  YAY!

So, not only did the Trailblazers win, I got to watch the game from a great spot, and the team scored over 100 points during the game; which in Portland means coupons for a free Taco Bell chalupa for everyone at the game.  Life was definitely sweet in the suite that night!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Twangshifters @ the Bing Lounge--11-16-12

Rockabilly music is proof that the rock and country genres can coexist in this world.  While usually a bit more rock than country, there's still enough of a twang to the tunes to set toes tapping.

Currently, in the Portland, Oregon/Vancouver, Washington area the rockabilly flag is being flown proudly by The Twangshifters.

The band performed in the Bing Lounge November 16, 2012, bringing their orginal style and songs to the small group that was gathered.   They were also quick to point out that what they do isn't a "gimmick"; that they really do live and breathe what they do for a living.  This was brought up because of how their guitar player was dressed, wearing what's considered a rockabilly style of clothing.  It was also mentioned that he drives a Buick from the 50's.

The Twangshifters played several songs from their current CD, telling the stories behind the songs, etc.  As mentioned earlier, they do have their own style; yet they stay true to the rockabilly music of days gone by.

If you're a fan of rockabilly, and live in the the Portland/Vancouver area, try to catch one of The Twangshifters' shows, I think you'll have a great time.

Friday, November 16, 2012

You Can't Please'em All

No matter the situation, or circumstances, there will always be those that are happy about certain things, and those that aren't.

Music, movies, cars, sports, books, clothes; the list could go on forever and guaranteed, everyone would have a different opinion about any of it.  It's why there's variety in life, so there's something for everyone.

On a daily basis, most of these opinions don't affect the masses; they're personal idiosyncrasies in each of us that make us who, and what we are.

Then there are those things that do affect the majority of the population, like politics.  If there weren't differences of opinion, there would be no need for politics, religion, you name it, because we'd all agree, and we'd all be happy.

Sometimes, because of something that happens, people's opinions and feelings can change.  Those that were happy with a situation the way it was, are now unhappy because things have changed.  It's kind of like, "if it's not broke, why fix it"?

Likewise, those who weren't satisfied with something may embrace the change, and see it as a good thing.  What some saw as fine, others now see as something that was broken now being fixed.

Again though, no matter what it is, not everyone will be pleased with it.  Some will go in search of what they had, hoping to find it somewhere else.  Others will stick with the new situation, at least for awhile; either adapting to it, or eventually moving on as well.

No matter what it is though, life will go on, and things will change; it's how the world works.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Heidi Newfield--"Why'd You Have to Be So Good"

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

Heidi Newfield first rose to fame as one third of the trio, Trick Pony.  The group scored a few country hits, ("Pour Me", "On A Mission", etc.),  before parting ways in 2006.

In 2008 Newfield released her first solo effort to country radio and scored big with the hit, "Johnny and June".

It's been four years since Newfield's debut solo CD, "What Am I Waiting For", was released, and a lot has happened professionally and personally to her in that time.  In fact, when I first heard Newfield's latest single, "Why'd You Have to Be So Good", I was certain it was written about the breakup of her marriage.
As it turns out, the song was actually about the parents of her co-writer; they'd been in a motorcycle accident, resulting in the death of the stepfather, and the mother having to have her leg amputated.

Newfield herself however points out the song is universal when it comes to the pain and suffering we've all been through.

If the rest of Newfield's upcoming sophomore CD is as good as it's first single, it's going to be worth the four year wait.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Welcome to a New Week

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

There's nothing quite like waking up to a new week, only to discover you're still not feeling well since the weekend.  You try to get up and get ready for work; however your body decides otherwise, and you end up just laying there feeling miserable.

Sleep is what you need, lots of sleep, sleep is good.  Your body has no objection to this whatsoever, so that's what you do, you sleep most of the day away.  And guess what?  It helps!  You still don't feel totally great, but you feel much better than you did.  Yep, sleep is good; though if you keep sleeping, you won't be able to sleep at night and get up for work the next day.  Yet, you don't feel like going on the computer, or reading, or anything else.  The solution?  Television!  You can just lay there in your easy chair and relax.  You don't even have to really pay attention to what's on TV, it's really just there as a distraction.

Then, after a few hours of mindless television and catnapping, you suddenly have a realization; it's Monday!  Okay, no big deal, unless you're supposed to have a post with a word for the next day!  What do you do in that case?  Simple, you're reading what someone does when they have that problem.  They write about their day, finish the post, then pick a random word as the word of the day.  Problem solved!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tis the Season...Almost

Everyone has their own timeline as to when the "official" Christmas season begins.  A lot of stores have decided the middle of summer is the time.  Some say the day after Halloween.  Most however deem the start of the Christmas season as the day after Thanksgiving.

In some cases though, it takes time to be ready to start the beginning of the Christmas season.  For instance, the lighting of the tree in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square; the tree doesn't just magically appear the Friday after Thanksgiving.  In reality, it takes days of hard work positioning the tree in the middle of the square, adding all the branches to fill it out, and adding thousands of lights

Even before the work begins at the square, the tree has to be chopped down, loaded on a semi truck and readied for it's trip to the square.  It's not just a "ho hum", (or would that be "ho, ho, ho hum in this case?), trip though, not in the least.

Nope, once the tree, (provided every year by Stimson Lumber in Forest Grove, Oregon), has reached downtown Portland's streets, the slow procession of festivity begins.

Portland police block the streets at each intersection of 6th Avenue, and provide a motorcade for the two semi's bringing the tree.  In front of the semis is a marching band playing Christmas songs.  And who but Santa himself is riding shotgun in the truck carrying the tree.

You'd think, as adults, those working in downtown Portland wouldn't get overly excited about watching a Christmas tree go through the streets at about 5 miles an hour; yeah, you'd think that.  However, there are those who still think it's pretty cool to watch, especially when it goes right by your office during your lunch time.

Those adults are the ones who go outside, and take pictures of the procession; or just watch, so they can blog about it.

Yep, you guessed it!  The following photos were taken by my co-worker, Doug Baker.  Thank you Doug for taking these so I could watch and write about it!
(Click on the photo for a larger view.)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Here We Go Again

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

It's hard to believe that only two and a half weeks ago, my friend, Patty, and I were seeing New York City for the very first time.

We had such a good time, and the weather was so nice; perfect in fact, with temps in the mid 60's.  That was the week of October 22, 2012.

The following week was completely the opposite of the previous one.  Sunny skies and warm temperatures turned into gray skies, rain, and wind, lots of wind, thanks to Hurricane Sandy.  Millions were left with no water, or electricity; places were flooded, or destroyed by Mother Nature's wrath.  Even now tens of thousands are still without basic necessities; with no quick relief in sight.

When it seems like it couldn't get any worse, what happens?  NYC and other east coast areas are set to be blasted with a nor'easter.
As I'm writing this post, photos are showing up on the internet of various places the snow has begun to fall.  The photo above was taken at Staten Island.  People are still in the middle of trying to clean up from Hurricane Sandy, and now they're getting snow.

It makes me sad, and my heart goes out to everyone that's been affected by these storms.  For those of us fortunate enough not to have had to go through what the east coast is experiencing, I ask that everyone keep these people in your thoughts and prayers; I know I will be.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

"Red"--Taylor Swift

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

It's been six years since a teenager named Taylor Swift hit country music airwaves with "Tim McGraw".

Fast forward to 2012, Taylor is almost 23 years old and has just released her fourth studio album, "Red".

While many have always felt that Swift is too "pop" for country, others have embraced her music as "new country".  Either way, Swift has always had the reputation of writing about what she experiences in life, especially when it comes to her former boyfriends.

With "Red", Swift hasn't strayed too far from the subject of love gained and lost.  What's the most noticeable on her most recent offering is just how "pop" it is, even in comparison to her previous CD's.

For instance, "We Are Never, Ever Getting Back Together" was released to country radio, and almost immediately listeners were saying it was too pop to be played on a country station.  Some country stations are still playing the tune, though KUPL and some other stations began playing "Begin Again",  instead.  Of the sixteen regular tracks on "Red", "Begin Again" is probably the most country.

Not that Swift's new CD isn't good, it is.  For those wanting more country from Taylor however, they really won't find it on "Red".  Track one, "State of Grace", definitely sets the tone for the rest of the "Red".  It starts with a hard driving, almost techno dance beat; and plows straight into the listener's ears.

On the deluxe edition of "Red", (exclusively at Target), the bonus CD offers six extra songs, including a stripped down, acoustic version of  "State of Grace". This acoustic version would be excellent for country radio, and sets a different tone than it's counterpart on the regular CD.  It wouldn't be surprising if pop stations picked up the regular track, while country played the alternate version.  Might just be a great marketing ploy in there somewhere.

Another bonus track, "The Moment I Knew" is a true heartbreaker of a song.  As with most of Swift's songs, it's about a former boyfriend.  Though no names are mentioned, the timeline of the tune gives the listener a good idea of who it's about.

The heartbreak of the song comes from how she found out the relationship was really over; when the boyfriend didn't show up at her 21st birthday party.  Swift exudes anguish in the song; showing fully the pain that was caused on what should have been a milestone birthday for her.

Probably the best track on the regular CD is "The Lucky One".  Not so much a love story as telling the story of someone who's become famous, then lost the fame, and how the singer feels this person is the real "lucky one".  Quite interesting to listen to.

Though some may be tired of Taylor Swift's songs about her love life, etc; she writes about what she knows, and how she feels; and her writing shows it.   "Red" does at least prove Swift has matured in the last six years both in singing and writing; while still letting her be her 22 year-old self.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

And The Award Goes To...

(A quick note:  I've provided a word for today, however it may not work.  My fault, I forgot to give the words to Jake before he left for Nashville; my apologies to all.)

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

Halloween is over, though in country music, artists, songwriters, producers and others in the industry are waiting to see if they'll garner even bigger treats.

Yes, it's that time of year again, time for the CMA Awards.  The 46th year of this program airs tonight on ABC.  Once again, Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley will host the show.  There will also be plenty of performances and presentations during the three hour event.

What culminates on this one day however has actually been going on all week.  Radio personalities from all four corners of the U.S. have descended on Nashville, to interview country artists and nominees.  KUPL's own Earthquake Jake, and Wrongway Danny Dwyer were sent to do this task for the station.  Their interviews with various artists have been running during the "Simon in the Morning" program yesterday and today.  The ones I've heard have been very entertaining and some downright funny.

Hopefully tonight's broadcast of the 46th Annual CMA Awards will be equally as enjoyable.