Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow & Angels

First, aside from the subject of this post: Happy Leap Day everyone! And happy birthday to my former co-worker, Sheila McCluskey, who becomes a "teenager" today...13 years old...In leap years anyway!

On to the rest of this post. By now anyone who knows me, or reads this blog, knows I live up in the hills outside of Vancouver, Washington. This time of year can mean a lot of snow at times, and today is no exception. Right now I have about 4-5 inches at my house.

I already had today and tomorrow planned as vacation days, so no worries about that. Whenever I get snow here though, I have co-workers who insist I need to make a snow angel and send them the photo.

Finally after hearing this over and over this winter, I did what they asked. I made a snow angel, took a photo of it and sent it to them. They now tell me I cheated! I say I didn't. Technically no one said *I* had to LAY in the snow and make a snow angel; they just asked me to make one, and I did.
I think it's a pretty good snow angel, and it was much easier than laying in cold, wet snow. Just took a couple of jar lids and made it in the snow on the hood of my car.

So, did I cheat; or did I fulfill what my co-workers asked of me? (SMILE!)

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