Thursday, February 23, 2012

One Of THOSE Days...

(Today's "KUPL Listener Blog Word" is in the post just below this one.)

Ever have one of those days? Not a bad day, nothing going wrong or anything.

Just kind of tired. Tired due to lack of sleep, yet not really sleepy.

Except your mind; your mind just races around dragging you with it, wherever it decides to go.
And it doesn't necessarily go anywhere it usually does; or stay in any one place for long.

That's me today! Added to the equation is that I talk a lot when I'm tired. Okay, those who know me will tell you THAT'S normal for me; I ALWAYS talk a lot!
The difference when I'm tired is that I drive myself crazy, as well as everyone around me.

Even when I'm not talking out loud, my mind is bouncing around, talking and just spinning, and I get silly. Not just the usual silliness, but really silly. Bad puns, bad jokes, chatter, chatter, chatter. It's like someone is playing multiple games of ping pong in the space between my ears!
And then it just goes, and goes, and goes, on, and on, and on. Music usually helps though. I can put on my headphones and drown myself out with music; unless I forget my mp3 player, like today. Then I'm just stuck with the racing, running and all. What happens when I get this way is, I have to find some way to get it out, which isn't easy. It's not easy because I can't type, or write as fast as I can talk or think. So after awhile everything just jumbles together into total chaos. Forget paragraphs and punctuation; I'm just lucky to actually spell things correctly! Even when I start out with paragraphs and all, it will usually end up being one big massive knot of words and symbols that don't make any sense to anyone but me, because it's what's in my head as I type. A friend once told me it's like my mind gets too full and has to throw up the excess; isn't THAT a pretty picture?! NOT! I guess it's true though, since I'm typing and this paragraph seems to be getting longer and longer, and I'm rambling more and more. Which is why the name of my blog is "Ramblings from a KUPL Listener", because that's what I do best; ramble!And in the course of rambling, other thoughts are brought to mind, so I go off in that direction, which leads to another, and another, and well, yeah, I think you're getting the idea. Really thought righting it out wood help; knot shure it did tho. Maybee it did, what dew u think? I'm thinking spelling is highly overrated. I think I should just right as I go, (or left, since I'm left handed); or maybe this should just be left a loan. Speaking of a loan, I could use won of those; a bit short on funds. Gnaw, knot really, just won of those there thoughts again. Gotta love puns! I do, four, (or is that "fore"?), shure! I think the punnier, the better! Just luv them! This is really getting annoying! This is what I've ben trying to explain here; hope its making some sense to someone! O good grief, somebody please save me from myself already!.....

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