Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's What's Inside That Matters

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

I'll start things off with this statement:  This post in no way is meant as a put down of anyone, anywhere; it's simply an observation over many years.  With that said, I'll continue.

It's actually pretty simple if stripped down to the basics; everyone is the same, inside and out.  Yes, we all look different, sound different, act different, all that; bottom line though, we're all the same.  We're all human beings put here on this earth to interact with other humans.
 We've all heard this over and over, yet there are still those out there that refuse to believe, or acknowledge this fact.  My observations for this post however go beyond the usual, race, color, creed, etc.; it encompasses the smaller things, wealth, intelligence, social status and more.

Really, does having a lot of money make someone better than one who's poor?  Do nicer clothes make a person more acceptable?  Does being smarter give a person one up on those of average intelligence?  There are many out there who will say, "yes", though I contend this isn't true.

You can have all the money in the world and still be a mean person.  Just because you dress nicely and people accept you doesn't make you personable.  And though you may be smarter than most, it doesn't make you automatically the best there is.  Face it, there will always be those better than ourselves, and worse than ourselves.  All of the outwardly things in life don't make us who we are inside though.  Strip away everything anyone has, leaving them with their basic inside core.  What emerges from that core is the real person behind all the other stuff.

Yet, over the years I, like most everyone, have seen and heard of others being put down for one reason or another.  For myself, it was a weight issue.  Looking back, I wasn't an overly large child; however growing up in the "Twiggy" era, any girl with the least little bit of meat on her bones was considered "fat".
As I've grown older, I've observed that many find the littlest things to make themselves seem better than someone else.  A newer car, a better job, even something as small as working on a higher story of a building than another is reason for someone to feel superior.

Again though, reality is, it doesn't make anyone better or worse; just luckier maybe.  Those with better things may be better off than someone outwardly, yet inside they may still be miserable. And those with little or nothing may struggle more on a daily basis to survive, yet still be one of the kindest, most considerate people you'll ever meet.

I started this post stating that this isn't meant as a put down of anyone; and I still hold this as true.  What it comes down to is the two kinds of people who exist in this world; those who are nice, and those who aren't.  Yes, we all have both inside, and both come out from time to time.  I'm talking about  those who are consistently, and chronically nice, or mean.  The nice people I'll probably get along with; the mean ones I don't even want to bother with. Beyond nice or mean, nothing else really matters about anyone; just my opinion, I know; but one I'm willing to share, in hopes of maybe helping everyone get along.  Thank you for your time.

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