Thursday, September 27, 2012

Kristy Lee Cook--"Airborne Infantry Ranger"

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

A few weeks ago, Oregon native, and "American Idol" alumnus, Kristy Lee Cook performed in the Bing Lounge.  As part of that performance, Cook performed her current single, "Airborne Infantry Ranger". 

When I wrote a post about Cook's show, I included video of her singing this song.  Since that time, the video has had more views than any other I've put on YouTube.  I also checked KUPL's video from the same show, and they've had even more views than mine.  
 I know KUPL has been playing this song during it's overnights; however, with so many people viewing, and commenting on the song, maybe "Airborne Infantry Ranger" will start being played in other time slots as well.  It's definitely a song worthy of being a hit.


  1. I agree. This song is a fantastic song. I served in the Army, and to listen to a song like this makes my day. It really does make my day. Please give it some air time. I don't care about hearing a song about a sexy tractor, keying a boyfriends car or why Jimmy Bob broke up with Betty Lou. This song kinda puts a guy in a tranze for just a few moments and it is so nice.

  2. This song takes me back, gives ya an emotional tug, and at the same time puts you into a stage of reminisce that is actually soothing. I could listen to that song back to back to back and really enjoy a small piece of time that could almost be healing. Kristy Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Bless every one of our troops.
    David D.
