Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I'm Totally Kidding!!!

Wow!  I just had an eye opener today!

Right now there's a lot going on, there's some stress, etc., and it's made me a bit cranky.  I know it, I know why, and I know by the end of the weekend a lot of things will be taken care of and I'll be fine.

Until then however, I'm trying my best NOT to be cranky; though it's not always working...sigh...

I have a great lead/co-worker though, Greg Baker, who tells things as they are.  He said it's okay to be cranky; however, if I keep it up, he'll start making fun of me, and he will!  Not in a mean way, but he will.

I replied back, "that's okay, I'll just write a blog about you", and smiled.  Greg's comeback was, "make fun of Nola, she'll write a blog about you"!

In that split second I had a thought and repeated it:  Yeah, I'm the Taylor Swift of blogging; cross me and I'll write about you!

It made Greg laugh, and me too; though not necessarily for the same reason.  *My* laughter was due to the second thought I had; which I kept to myself until now:  Yep, Taylor, tall,  long blonde hair, thin and young, writing about romance gone bad.  Me, short, short brown hair, very round and old, blogging about co-workers giving me a bad time!
Thank you Greg, without either of us knowing it, you helped the crankiness some.

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