Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eleven Years Ago

(Today's word is in the post just below this one.)

Eleven years ago the world was a much different place.

Eleven years ago people could go to the airport, just to watch planes land and take off.  They could just go to the airport, park, go inside, pick somewhere to sit down and watch planes as long as they wanted.

Eleven years ago family and friends could take people to the airport and go all the way to the terminal gates with them to say goodbye; or be waiting at those same gates to pick them up when they arrived.

Eleven years ago the only lines at the airport were people checking in, then lining up to board their flights.

Eleven years ago today all of this, and more was changed forever.  Eleven years ago today the U.S. was sucker-punched by terrorists plotting America's defeat.

Eleven years ago those terrorists hijacked a plane in New York, commanding it be flown into the World Trade Center.  While people were still reeling, wondering how this accident could have happened, another jet hit the second tower. At that moment it was clear neither of these plane crashes had been accidents.

Eleven years ago today, two jets crashing into the twin towers was only the beginning of the horror of that day.

Eleven years ago people watched TV live as the second plane hit the towers.  Then came reports that a plane had hit the Pentagon; but that wasn't the end of the chaos.

Eleven years ago today, United Flight 93 went down in a Pennsylvania field.  Did it have any connection with the other plane crashes that day?  As it turns out, yes, it did.  The difference with Flight 93 was, passengers took things into their own hands.  They knew they were in trouble,  they knew they were probably going to die; yet, rather than let the hijackers win, those passengers fought back, causing the plane to go down in that field, rather than hit it's intended target, which would have meant even more death and destruction.

Eleven years ago America's confidence was rattled; our country had been shaken to it's core.  We may not have been blinded by our own innocence; though in a sense, any innocence we did have was stripped away that day.

Eleven years ago terrorists learned, while they could attack us, shake and wound us, they couldn't break us. As a country we stood up and fought back.

Eleven years ago we lost things we can never have back; friends, loved ones, a life not filled with strict security measures designed to keep bad things from happening to people. Instead of standing back, wondering what to do, America showed it's strength by dusting itself off, banding together and working to rebuild what others had destroyed.

For these reasons, and many more, what happened eleven years ago today should never be forgotten.  Please take a moment today to reflect on the events of 9-11-2001, and be thankful for what you have in life, and remember those who lost their lives that fateful day.

1 comment:

  1. One day I am going to post what my "new" brother in law feels about 9/11. I almost threw him out of my house, but decided to treat him like a mentally handicapped child. Which, I believe, he is.
