Monday, October 15, 2012

Austin Webb @ the Bing Lounge--10-12-12

It's likely that most people reading this post have never heard of Austin Webb.  If that's the case, you'll want to keep reading and learn more about this talented young man.

Originally from South Carolina, Webb began writing poetry at nine years old; and picked up the guitar when he was sixteen years old.

We've all heard stories of  the "over night success" that some have had; usually said tongue in cheek because of it's actual rarity.  In Webb's case
however, this is very close to the truth.  March of 2011, Webb won a music contest, quit his job the same day, and moved to Nashville.  Seven months ago, to help pay the bills, Webb started working at Starbucks; thanks to his guitar player, Jake Mitchell, who also worked there.

Four months ago, Webb got a call from Byron Gallimore, (known for working with country artists such as Sugarland, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill and Jo Dee Messina), wanting to sign Webb to a publishing deal.  A few days later, Gallimore offered Webb a recording deal as well; and Webb then quit his Starbucks job.  (As a side note, Mitchell quit his job two months ago, to play guitar with Webb.)

Since that time, Webb has literally been on a whirlwind of radio stops across the country.  Two months ago, this young man had never been on a plane.  By the time he got to the Bing Lounge in Portland, he figured he'd been on at least twenty flights in those past two months, with several more lined up.

So, after the flurry of activity over the last year and a half, you're probably wondering, is this guy worthy of all the attention?  In one word, yes.

While Webb may, or may not, be considered "traditional" country, his music is definitely worth being played on country radio.  His voice is unique enough, (tinged with just the right amount of emotion and soul), to stand out from the many cookie-cutter artists played nowadays.  Watching, and listening to him perform, you can see and hear the passion he has for his art.

Like others at the Bing Lounge, Webb played a handful of tunes he'd written; telling the stories behind each one.  One of those songs, "It's All Good", is scheduled as Webb's first single, due out to radio in December.
If you like this video, be sure to go to KUPL's YouTube page, (987kuplvideo), and watch the rest of Webb's performance in the Bing Lounge.

In a nutshell, Austin Webb is a country artist to be looking out for in the near future.

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