Monday, August 8, 2011

Thank You Washington State Department of Licensing...

I have no idea what happened to my driver's license.  I had it last Tuesday, and now I don't. What's worse, I didn't notice until today, almost a week later!  Naturally, I have to discover this fact on a Monday, when the Washington State Department of Licensing is closed.  ARGH! 

It's funny, when you don't know something's missing you don't think about it.  Then when you DO notice, you start worrying that you'll be pulled over or something; at least that's what happens to me.  So, what to do, what to do?  All of a sudden I'm wondering if I'll make it home alright, with no problems.  Mind you, Wednesday through Friday last week I wasn't thinking about it at all; hadn't noticed my license was missing.  Today is Monday though, and I did notice.  Wasn't sure what to do about the situation, what with licensing being closed and all.

When all else fails, I take to the internet to see if I can at least have my fears eased;  if not find a solution to my problem.  Lo and behold, what's this?!  You can renew, or replace your driver's license online now?!  YAY!!!!  There are certain criteria that must be met before you can do this of course; I met every one of them.  Double YAY!!!!
So, thank you Washington State Department of Licensing for being up to date on technology!  I now have a temporary copy of my license to get me through until my replacement arrives in the mail. I can breath again!

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