Thursday, January 5, 2012

Keep It Simple Silly!

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

Sometimes I think I make things more complicated than they should be; for instance, coming up with a post for the "KUPL Listener Word of the Day". Normally I talk a mile a minute, about anything and everything. Because of that, you'd think writing a post and having a word would be a breeze; not the case.

Instead, there are times I find myself wracking my brain to come up with something worth reading, and a good word to use; such is the case with this post. Thinking, and thinking, wondering what to write about; then all of a sudden the light bulb came on, DUH! When all else fails, just keep it simple, and write a post about not having anything to write about!

Mission accomplished! Now let's just hope I don't have this problem again!

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