Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Of Weather & Roadways

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

I've been sitting at my computer, trying to figure out how to write today's post. I've started several times, only to delete what I've written and try again.

It's not like I haven't written about the weather before; most of my recent posts have mentioned the conditions I've been experiencing in my part of the Pacific Northwest.

Today's post however has to do with the weather and drivers. I don't know what it is, but some drivers just seem to lose all common sense with the changing of the weather.

For instance, around here, it rains a lot, so when the sun comes out, there are those who seem like moles. The bright sunlight blinds them and makes them drive crazy.

Then again, when it hasn't rained in awhile, there are those who seem to be just as crazy as the sun people.

Rather than try to make sense of it to those drivers, I've decided to make things simple.

Dear drivers,

Whether it's sun, rain, hail, sleet, or snow coming down, trust me, the sky is not falling; therefore PLEASE don't drive like it is!

Thank you.

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