Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Art Imitates Life

(Today's word will be in red, and bold.)

It's funny how a song can mean one thing, yet fit other situations equally as well.  For instance, Kenny Chesney's "Big Star".

The song tells the story of a woman who starts out singing karaoke in a bar, and is so good, she goes on to be a huge success in the music world.

The story continues about how the woman's friends and neighbors tear her apart, trying to start rumors about how she became successful.

The sad thing about this is, it really happens; and not always when someone makes it "big".  For some reason, there seems to always be someone who can't be happy for others who succeed at something.  Even when it's just a little thing, the fact that someone has been able to do what another hasn't can lead to resentment and jealousy.

I've never understood why things have to be this way; it always has been though.  The bigger someone becomes, the more dirt seems to get thrown at them.  Granted, sometimes it's deserved; not everyone legitimately earns the status they've attained.  That's how songs like "Big Star" come to be; because of those slinging mud and trying to make the person look bad.  The stereotype of a person having done all these things to become famous, gives even the legitimate people a bad reputation.

No, not everyone is going to be good at everything they do.  Some are going to be good at some things, and bad at others.  It's a given, no one's perfect.  Why can't people just strive to be the best they can, without tearing others around themselves down?

I'm thinking if everyone tried to be a better person, rather than tear others down, it would help to make this world a better place. Skip the people who haven't legitimately attained the status they have; it's not worth wasting time over.  Those people usually turn out to be just as negative as others around them.  It's like they know in their heart they've taken shortcuts to get where they are.

Instead of being negative of someone's hard earned success, big or small, be happy for them.  Look at what they've achieved, and if you're so inclined, make strides to be successful yourself.  This seems to be a much more positive approach then tearing people down.  When people are more positive, they attract more positive people.

As I said in the beginning of this post, it's funny how a song can be about one thing, and lead someone to think and hear the song differently than the original intention.

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