I've mentioned in other posts how I don't watch TV much, especially reality shows. I've since discovered though that I do watch more reality shows than I thought. Shows about ghosts, hoarders, cakes; all of these are in the realm of reality TV.
Sometimes shows catch my attention, not because of their content, but for other reasons; sometimes it's as simple as a name. That's the case with the show "Tanked". Though I like fish and am fascinated by aquariums, "Tanked" probably wouldn't have been a show I'd have checked out, had it not been for the name WAYDE King.
"Wayde" is how my brother's name is spelled, and you rarely see that name with a "y" in it. When I saw how King's name was spelled, I decided I had to check the show out; I've been hooked ever since.
Besides King, the main cast features Brett Raymer, Heather King, (Brett's sister and Wayde's wife), Brett and Heather's dad, Irwin Raymer, Robert "Robbie Redneck" Christlieb, and Agnes Wilczynski.

The family is originally from New York, but now live and work in Las Vegas, Nevada running their business, "Acrylic Tank Manufacturing".
From large and custom tanks built for people's homes, to displays in hotels, etc., there isn't a job too big or hard that these guys can't handle.
I think one of the things that I really like about the show is how much detail Wayde and Brett put in to every aspect of the aquariums they build. One that really stood out to me was a tank that the crew built for a couple in Las Vegas.
The couple was originally from New York, and wanted an aquarium that would remind them of their old stomping grounds even while living in Nevada.
Brett found an old phone booth, and convinced the others that he could make it into something the couple would love and associate with New York.
Not only did Brett's idea work, the details continued right down to the types of fish that were to be put in the tank. I don't remember the names of any of the fish, though what I do remember is why they were chosen. There were several blue fish, to represent the police in New York, yellow ones to represent taxis, and red ones for fire trucks. There were other fish, all representing something to do with New York. The aquarium was then set up in front of a New York background, with a few other little details to round out the display.
It was those little details that kept me watching "Tanked". It's those kind of little things *I* do when I'm creating something; finding all the little ways to tie things together and enhance it even more.
Of course, the aquariums are the real stars of "Tanked"; however, if the cast wasn't so fun to watch, the show wouldn't be as good as it is.
This is just one small aspect of the show "Tanked", seen Saturdays at 9pm on the Animal Planet channel. If this has peaked your interest to see more of what the "Tanked" team creates, check out their page at, http://animal.discovery.com/tv/tanked/
There you can check the bios of the cast, see the many photos of Acrylic Tank Manufacturing's creations, and watch previous episodes of "Tanked".
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