Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Nothing Personal" on the I.D. Channel

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

I've mentioned before that I tend to watch reality TV as opposed to regular programs. Not "reality" like "Survivor", "The Amazing Race", etc. More "reality" in the sense of "true crime" shows: "Forensic Files", "Scorned", and the like.

One show I'd never seen before yesterday is "Nothing Personal", on the I.D. channel. The thing that caught my attention about the show was the commercial for the latest episode. It was promoted as being about a washed up "rock star" who wanted to be rid of his wife. Sounded intriguing, so I watched.

The program started out in Cottonwood, California, where a murder had taken place. Part way through, it switched to Portland, Oregon, a city I've known all my life.

My interest was peaked more by this fact, as I'm always curious about the local area and what's going on; or in this case, had gone on.

As it turns out, the episode was about a man, Todd Garton, who had been in a band called "Detente Touch", in Portland, from the mid to late 80's. I'd never heard of the band, but was interested in hearing what had happened, and how Garton had ended up in California.

I'm watching the show, and various people are recounting the past, about the band and other things surrounding the Portland area. Suddenly I see a face I recognize. I've never actually talked to this person more than a couple of minutes, but still, I recognize her immediately. It was Carol Batchelor, who used to be an air personality for KUPL.

Turns out, Batchelor was the lead singer for Detente Touch, so she knew Todd Garton, and the woman who was to become his wife, also named CAROL. Beyond the band however, Batchelor had no other connections with Garton.

I'm sure this type of thing happens all the time, where someone recognizes another person, etc. It's the first time it's ever happened to me though, and it took my by surprise.

Though what happened is in no way shape or form, cool; I did think it was a bit cool to have recognized someone on a national TV show. The circumstances were definitely sad though.


  1. Do u think there will be a reunion tour. Lol

  2. No, there will not be a reunion. I was the guitarist in that band, and drove his wife-to-be to rehearsals in my car many times. She was a very sweet girl, and deserved a full life. I didn't hear about the murder until quite a while after it happened, having moved away myself. I would not be able to forgive him for destroying someone he supposedly loved at one time, and who was very dear to me. He was always a fairly manipulative person, although I had no idea at the time what he could sink to. So, no, there would never be a chance for a reunion.


  4. Carole was my best friend in high school. This whole thing is quite surreal. All the true crime documentaries. They involve real people but are there to entertain. My brain splits.
