Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the World Is Here!!!

Well, we've been hearing about it for awhile now, the end of the world.  Yes, it's been predicted before, and obviously we're still here.  This time is different though.  This time the end of the world is based on the Mayan calendar that says today is the end of the world; so it must be true, right?

Eh, not so much, I'm thinking.  As many people, in person, on Facebook, on Twitter and other social media, and broadcast media have been saying, "hey, we're still here"!  Like I said, I'm guessing that's how it's going to stay.  It's like getting snow, make a big hype about it, it fizzles out; don't, and usually it's a major thing.

What's my reason you ask?  It's the same as others, I'm guessing; I mean, I can't be the only one who thought of this simple fact:

The "world" can't end all at once on the same day, it's not possible; too many time differences.  By the time the final time zone makes it to 12-21-12, the first one is already into 12-22-12.  I'm thinking the world can't just end a little at a time; either it ends, or it doesn't.  Since it's not possible for everywhere to be on the same date at the same time, we're safe.

Just my opinion and theory of course; but one I'm choosing to stick with.  Besides, if I'm wrong, who will be around to know any different?!

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