Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Henningsens @ the Bing Lounge--12-6-12

(Today's word will be in red and bold.)

All genres of music have had their fair share of "family acts" over the years.   In country music, The Louvin Brothers, The Gatlin Brothers, Harold and Don Reid, (half the members of  The Statler Brothers), The Judds; are just a few, going back through the decades.  More recently, the Band Perry have stepped up to this spot.  Then there's the Henningsens.

Never heard of this country act?  Not surprising, as they're fairly new to the country music scene; though you've probably heard some of their music recorded by others.

On Thursday, December 6, 2012, the Henningsens, (made up of dad, Brian, son, Aaron and daughter, Clara), performed for an intimate crowd at the Bing Lounge.
Originally from Illinois, where they have a 60 acre farm, the trio explained how they came to write and perform country music.

Brian explained that Aaron and Clara are just two of ten children he and his wife have.  A lot of joking was done about how many kids there are, and speculation as to whether it took that many to get enough for the group.  It was all tongue-in-cheek of course.

Whether it was that natural family harmony, a lot of hard work, or most likely a combination of both, the Henningsens definitely put on a great performance that day.

Among the handful of songs they did, was their soon to be released first single, "American Beautiful".  (Unfortunately, there were problems with uploading the video for this.  As soon as it's fixed, the video will be posted.)

While listening to the music, I kept thinking how much this group reminds me of the Band Perry; so it wasn't too surprising to learn that they've written two hits for Kimberly Neil and Reed, including, "All Your Life", which they performed in the Bing Lounge.  (Unfortunately, there were problems with uploading the video for this.  As soon as it's fixed, the video will be posted.)

What's refreshing about the Henningsens is, though they sound familiar to other country acts, they're unique enough in their sound and style not to blend in and be lost in the crowd.

Here's hoping that "American Beautiful" will be a hit for this family band, so they'll be as recognized for their singing as for their writing.

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