Friday, May 20, 2011


Is it just me, or is anyone else going to be glad when this latest “the world is coming to an end” phase is over?
Seriously, weather forecasters have trouble enough predicting what the weather is going to be a day from now; and they’re trained professionals.  Are we really supposed to believe some random guy from somewhere, just because he says the world is going to end at a certain time, on a certain day?  I think if someone is that good, they could at least help the weather forecasters a bit more with their jobs.  It seems to me it would be harder to predict the end of the world, than if it’s going to rain or not.
Harold Camping is the person making the latest prediction of world annihilation.  According to news stories, Mr. Camping is an 89 year-old radio host.  This also is not the first time he’s predicted the end of the world.
This leads to another question:  If Mr. Camping was wrong before, why is he going to be right this time?  Or maybe May 21, 2011 is Mr. Camping’s last day…Come on; the guy IS 89 years-old people!  (No offense to older folks, just an observation for this blog.)
Another question is:  Why does Mr. Camping care that the end of the world is coming?  If he’s one of the “chosen” ones, he won’t be here to have to deal with the aftermath.  Or does caring, and warning people they’re going to die going to help him be “chosen”?  If so, anyone can do that…Then we’d ALL be saved, right?
Really, if the world was coming to an end, wouldn’t more than one person be told about it?  I realize we live in a world where information travels fast; still, a person is only human, why leave something this important for one person to spread the word?  Nowadays the entire world could get a text message, email, or phone call, all at the same time.  For those without the latest technology, there’s always snail mail. (Though I’m sure those people would catch on, once they heard everyone else freaking out.)  And of course there’s always TV and radio.  At the very least I’d think there’d be sky writing.  It’s always been said that heaven is above us…I’d think that would be an advantage when needing to deliver a message from the sky. 
Yet another question I have is:  Do you really think we’ll get a warning when the end of the world is coming?  I don’t.  People don’t get warnings when they die.  They may get sick, or hurt, and that leads to death, but they still don’t know exactly what day and time they’re going to die.  If they did, I’d think they’d protest and not go.  That’s why there aren’t warnings, in my opinion. 
To me, “theories” and “signs” of the world ending can be interpreted in any number of ways; depending on who’s doing the deciphering.  Anyone with an opinion can connect the dots showing the “signs”, and read into things to come up with theories as to why something will happen.  It doesn’t have to be the end of the world; people could do this for anything, any time; and they do.
With every pun intended, the topic of the world coming to an end could be discussed from now until doomsday; there would still be no concrete answers. 
With that said, I’ll end this blog entry with this thought:  Whether it’s in a minute; an hour; a day; a week; a month; a year; or longer, we’re all going to die.  We won’t know when; where; how; or why, but we will…It’s inevitable…No one lives forever.  Instead of focusing on the negative, “we’re all going to die”; why not focus on, “life is short, I’m going to enjoy as much of it as I can”.   A much more positive thought; plus, if the world DOES happen to end, at least you had fun while you were here. 

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