Thursday, April 5, 2012

Texting 101

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

I've always said I'm not a "phone" person. Don't like talking on the phone, and only have a cellphone in case of emergencies. I admit, it's nice to have it, in case I'm out somewhere, and need to call someone; for the most part though, my phone isn't on unless it needs to be. I don't even have a data plan, that's how little I use my phone.

Same with texting. I have unlimited texting because of my son, who is ALWAYS texting someone; but I've never used it, until last Tuesday.

On that day, it became apparent that I might just need to know how to text in the future, so I decided to try to teach myself during lunch at work. Found instructions online, followed them, and sent two texts to two different people. Yay for me! Not only did I do it, I did it right! Both people got the texts I sent!

Yes, I realize, in this day and age this fact isn't a big deal, practically everyone texts nowadays. For me though, the technologically challenged being that I am, it was a big deal.

Of course, it was just two texts, haven't done any since; however, I'll definitely be practicing my skills! This could be a scary thing!

1 comment:

  1. LOL ha ha ha! u did not need to look online. u work with many people that are professional texters. mainly one that sits right across from u.
