Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Long-Time Friend

(Today's word will be in ALL CAPS, BOLD, ITALIC, and STRIKETHROUGH.)

No matter who they are, everyone has had at least one special friend in their life; that person who's always been there, through thick and thin. That person who, though you may not hear from them very often, you still know they're thinking of you, just the way you think of them.

I've never been one for having lots of friends. I prefer having those few friends like I described in the last paragraph. Fortunately, in my life I've had some wonderful friends, those that I think of often, though I don't see or talk with enough, and those I see more frequently. Despite the time spent with, talking, emailing or whatever, each of these friends is special in their own way and will always have a place in my heart.

Marc, Peggy, Geri, Denise, Dani, Pam, Patty, Sandy, and the friend I've known the longest, Diane. There are other friends as well, so hopefully if any of you are reading this, please know, you're not forgotten in my heart; my brain just hiccups sometimes!

Back to Diane. As I said, I've known Diane the longest, since 7th grade at Hockinson Jr. High. We were both the new kids that year, which is part of how we became friends.

Over the years we've shared several experiences. In high school Diane ended up having a frog collection, because of a nickname she was given..."Freddy Froggy" I won't go into all the details here of how the name came to be, because it's a bit complicated.

She was maid of honor at my wedding, and I remember when her first daughter was born. Of course those are two major events that have happened in our lives; there's so many other things we've shared growing up through the years.

Diane has lived in Arizona over the past few years, so we haven't seen each other in awhile, though we do keep in contact on the phone and through Facebook.

Another special thing about Diane is, today happens to be her birthday. Because of that, I decided I should write a blog for her, to CELEBRATE her special day.

So, happy birthday Diane Herz! I hope you have a spectacular day and I'm sure glad you're my friend!

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