Friday, September 2, 2011

REVIEW--Jake Owen--"Barefoot Blue Jean Night"

Since his first hit, “Yee Haw”, Jake Owen has gained fans with his style of country music. His first CD showed an artist who could have a good time partying, yet still have a soft, emotional side. With his third CD, “Barefoot Blue Jean Night”, Owen still has this same theme, but seems to have mellowed a bit, even on the partying songs.

Except for the title track and current single, there doesn’t seem to be a really “stand-out” song on “Barefoot Blue Jean Night”. The eleven tracks seem to blend together and kind of all sound the same for the most part; including the “party” songs.

The softer songs on this CD are pretty run of the mill, and could be switched out with just about any other song out nowadays.
The upbeat, party songs seem muted. It’s like instead of being *at* the party, the listener is left outside, to look in on what’s going on. You can see the party, but the sound is muffled and muted in comparison to actually being there. This is especially evident on “Nobody Feelin’ No Pain”. The song could easily be a rowdy, party anthem; yet it falls just short of being a full blown party song. The lyrics are there, and the song really does try to rock, however Owen’s delivery doesn’t quite have the emphasis needed to produce the effect.

Fans of Jake Owen will probably be happy with the tracks on “Barefoot Blue Jean Night”, mainly because it’s typical Jake Owen music. Unfortunately, what happens with this CD is what usually happens when things are duplicated too often; you can tell it’s the same, even though it just gets muddier and muddier as the duplication continues.

Bottom line, if you like Jake Owen and his style of music, you’ll probably like this CD; but if you’re looking for something new from Jake, you won’t find it here.

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